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Interactive Presentation

       The opportunity to present at a national conference provided a unique platform to discuss technology in writing center discourse. This dialogue emphasized the significance of technology in personal and professional conversation. I find technology to be a vital source of educational development, both within and without the classroom. For this reason, it is important that our service keeps up with the technilogical advances of education. 

        SWCA was my first conference both as an attendee and as a presenter. In this situation I learned that professionalism does not come with age or the degree that you hold. I presented myself as an informed and confident presenter, as a result, I was seen as such. 

        Similarly, I learned to incorporate the audience by presenting myself as confident and relaxed with the subject matter. I often asked audience members to discuss their perspective and to challenge one another. However, I always had a planned response for questions that I asked. This presentation provided me with the experience of conducting professionals in learning. 

      My SWCA presentation taught me to carry myself with confident professionalism while still being genuine and making my audience comfortable. To the right are two links to artices that were written on my presentation. The first is a link to an Auburn article through the Office of Uiversity Writing and the second is a link to the conference scholarship winners. I was one of two recipients of the Tom Waldrop scholarship for my proposal as a first time attendee.  

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